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The Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT) imposed a fine of 90 million, 659 thousand, 701.72 pesos on Telcel for engaging in a relative monopolistic practice by granting incentives to a distribution channel on the condition of not marketing packages from the competition.

In this regard, América Móvil, of which Telcel is a subsidiary, reported that it was notified and denied having committed the practice referred to in the resolution, which is based on statements from the competitor, and questions the way in which the investigation was carried out by the IFT Investigative Authority during all these years.

For the above, it will take all means of defense at its disposal against this fine.

“The imputed conduct consisted of granting discounts, incentives or benefits to an indirect distribution channel with the requirement of not marketing the package of cellular equipment with SIM cards and balance recharges from economic agents competing with Telcel, in the states of Michoacán, Colima and Jalisco,” the regulator detailed.

In a statement, the institute explained that the sanction on Radiomóvil Dipsa, commercially known as Telcel, affected consumers, as it restricted their options to acquire packages of mobile terminal equipment and SIM cards.

It also required the company to allow recharges from providers other than Telcel in that distribution channel and ordered the company to suppress and correct the practice.

The IFT mentioned that a decision comes from an investigation initiated by the Institute's Investigative Authority in January 2021, which led to a Probable Liability Opinion in November 2023 and, subsequently, Telcel was summoned to the procedure followed in the form of a trial, in which it was able to fully exercise its right to a hearing and opportunity for defense.