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Mexico requires a continuous telecommunications infrastructure investment to give better internet service, said Ross Zhao, president of Huawei Enterprise Mexico.

During a press conference at the Huawei Latam Eco-Connect Summit 2024, Zhao suggested the need to maintain the investment in the sector, because it would contribute to improving the economic situation for Mexican citizens.

Mexico will elect a new President this year which could bring about improvements. 

Given that Mexico is a large country in terms of both population and territory, addressing income disparities is crucial, and technology is a tool to achieve this goal, said Zhao.

For this reason, Huawei is currently involved in the “Internet para Todos” (Internet for All) program, a government initiative aimed at enhancing internet access across the country.

Basic internet access is a right for all and must be extended to rural areas where economic opportunities are limited, emphasized the president of Huawei Enterprise Mexico.

Zhao also acknowledged that different industries in Mexico face unique challenges, highlighting the need for customized strategies.

In the corporate sector, large companies such as the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), beverage company Femsa, and automotive Audi are requesting cloud services.

“Some large companies require their own plan. You need to use technology for digital transformation and to improve the company's efficiency,” concluded Zhao.