Vie, Sep
2 New Articles

DZS had several milestones achieved in 2021, including the addition of 105 new customers across the Americas, Asia and Europe/Middle-East/Africa (EMEA) as well as dozens of active fixed and mobile technology proof of concepts (POCs) and customer trials around the world. Underscoring the company’s management enhancements, bold vision, and numerous milestone accomplishments, DZS introduced 29 new innovative technology solutions in 2021 spanning its Broadband Connectivity, Connected Home & Business, Mobile & Optical Edge, and Network & Experience Software platforms.

Leer más…DZS Accelerates Growth

The Fiber Broadband Association (FBA) today announced the results of its 2021 Fiber Provider Study that reveals fiber broadband is strong and entering the largest investment cycle ever.The increase in deployments can be attributed to the fact that fiber continues to score higher than any other broadband technology—such as cable, satellite or wireless—in terms of capacity, reliability, latency and customer satisfaction. These benefits have created competition among more diverse sizes and types of service providers that are now racing to reach more subscribers with fiber. The Study suggests that if all federal infrastructure funding is directed at fiber, there could be more fiber deployed in the next five years than all the fiber deployed to-date, enabling the initial U.S. FTTH build to be nearing completion by the end of this decade.

Leer más…Fiber Broadband Enters Largest Investment Cycle Ever

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