Vie, Sep
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Speedcast, leading communications and IT services provider, launched the Speedcast SmartViewTM, an innovative, network-optimized remote video and audio communications solution. Designed for energy, maritime, enterprise, telecommunications, and government customers, industries with critical operations can accelerate their digital transformation for revolutionizing remote access and field collaboration.

Leer más…Speedcast Delivers Industrial-Grade Remote Video and Audio Communications

INCOMPAS announced that its Board of Directors elected Michael B. Galvin, Chief Administrative Officer of Granite Telecommunications, LLC, to serve as its Chair. Galvin takes the helm from Kurt Van Wagenen, President and CEO of FirstLight Fiber, who served three terms as Chair and was elected to serve as Vice Chair this year. The Board also re-elected Brian Worthen, CEO of Mammoth Networks, to serve as Treasurer.

Leer más…New INCOMPAS Board Chairperson

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