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According to a study conducted by IDC for Google Cloud, 47% of CTIOs in Mexico believe that improving the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to extract more value from data is crucial for the digital acceleration of their companies.

During the Google Cloud Summit Mexico 2024, it was revealed that over 90% of the surveyed companies already have at least one business process enabled by AI.

The study highlights the growing importance of having technology partners to support the implementation and development of strategies.

Eduardo López, President of Google Cloud Latin America, emphasized that Mexico and Brazil are the most advanced countries in the region in adopting this technology.

According to López, more than 70% of organizations in Latin America are already seeing a return on investment or expect to see it next year thanks to the application of generative AI in customer service operations.

"Latin America is quite advanced in the field of artificial intelligence, with Mexico and Brazil leading the way in solving business problems," commented López.

This progress in AI adoption is not only transforming business processes but also generating a positive impact on return on investment, encouraging more companies to explore and adopt these emerging technologies.