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Mónica Aspe, CEO of AT&T Mexico and Gabriela Ramos, deputy General Director for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO, discussed the importance of ethics in the use of Artificial Intelligence.

"At UNESCO, we are convinced that developing sustainable and responsible Artificial Intelligence is good business;: it attracts investments, retains and incentivizes workers, and responds to the highest social and environmental demands. That's why we launched our Business Council in 2022, with global footprint companies that voluntarily implement and promote UNESCO's recommendations," commented Gabriela Ramos.

Both executives highlighted the challenges and opportunities of implementing new technologies to ensure responsible use, as well as the future of AI as a driver for other technological advancements.

"We share UNESCO's vision of building peaceful, just, and interconnected societies, and the importance of having ethical values and principles regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence," said Mónica Aspe.

"The development of this technology will require significant investments and efforts to develop skills within teams. We are excited about this path of innovation, and we must ensure that we tread it responsibly and sustainably," emphasized Aspe.

For several decades, UNESCO has collaborated in international efforts to ensure that science and technology develop within an ethical framework, aiming to maximize the benefits of scientific discoveries for a more inclusive, sustainable, and peaceful world.

As part of these efforts, UNESCO has promoted the adoption of ethical principles through its Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. As part of its strategy for practical implementation, UNESCO proposed the State of Preparedness Assessment Methodology. This tool provides a detailed analysis of the country's current situation, identifying strengths and areas that need further development for an ethical and responsible implementation of Artificial Intelligence.

"We are excited to share these results with the business sector in the country, ensuring that Artificial Intelligence supports the public in a dignified manner and operates under ethical principles," commented Gabriela Ramos.