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In 2023, Intel began a three-year plan to train farmers in the use of technology to reduce their water consumption by optimizing their irrigation schemes on their plots.

With this strategy, Intel has achieved the status of Net Positive Water in Mexico, which means that the company returns more freshwater to the environment than it uses in its operations in the country, reaffirming its commitment to water sustainability in Latin America.

This achievement was reached in collaboration with Kilimo and Nuup, organizations that provided technological and agronomic advice, as well as technical services for micro-irrigation and efficient water use to six farmers in the Lerma Watershed, the main water source for the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, where Intel's Design Center is located.

The project covered approximately 110 hectares of cultivation, saving approximately 274,834 cubic meters of water, equivalent to 110 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Following this announcement, Mexico became the second Latin American country where Intel achieved the Net Positive Water standard, joining the list of countries contributing to Intel's global RISE strategy (Responsible, Inclusive, Sustainable, and Empowering) for 2030, which includes Costa Rica, the United States, and India.

To achieve Net Positive Water at the Intel GDC, the company's water strategy focuses on three areas: reducing water usage in its operations through innovative water conservation projects, reusing water within its operations through investments in state-of-the-art water treatment facilities, and financing projects that restore water in our basins in collaboration with partners such as Kilimo and Nuup and local communities.

With the goal of making water use more efficient in the agricultural areas of the Lerma Watershed, this Intel-funded project implemented an Artificial Intelligence solution for irrigation management created by lCimatech Kilimo.

This solution includes an easily adoptable digital platform that combines climate, satellite, and soil data, using AI to provide irrigation recommendations, supporting farmers throughout the production cycle. Kilimo's technological solution is fueled by generated data and input by the participating farmers themselves.

These actions were complemented by Nuup's work, which expanded the profile of supported producers through strategies such as personalized technical advice, land leveling, and detailed monitoring, providing traceability of the interventions carried out and certainty of the impacts achieved.

As part of the incentives provided by Intel for farmers to use technology, they were awarded $8,000 for water savings achieved in the first year, a figure that can be replicated by continuing to use the technological solution.

"At Intel, we are aware of the water challenges we face in the country and the region, and since water is essential for semiconductor manufacturing, our commitment becomes even stronger. This achievement stems from our responsibility to our communities, employees, and customers to reduce our impact on the environment and respect the human right to water, not only in Mexico but throughout Latin America and the world," said Santiago Cardona, general Manager of Intel for Latin America.

In addition, Jesús Palomino, general Manager of Intel's Design Center in Guadalajara (GDC), commented that at GDC, they not only focus on designing advanced technology but also on implementing practices that minimize their environmental impact and promote efficiency in their processes.

During 2023, Intel saved approximately 10.2 billion gallons of water globally and restored 3.1 billion gallons through projects that benefit local watersheds and communities.