Vie, Sep
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Aligned established a newly-created data center ABS platform and the issuance of $1.35 billion in securitized notes thereunder, which is the largest-ever inaugural data center securitization. The securitized notes also hold the distinction of being the first-ever green data center securitization, which has been issued under the Aligned Green Finance Framework, and externally verified by Sustainalytics.
Leer más…Aligned Data Centers Sets Record for Largest-Ever Green Data Center Securitization

The constant and rapid technological evolution has put forth trends and concepts that now make the telecom and ICT industry quite a diverse and developed sector. Open radio access network, known as Open RAN, is one of the trends that has been shaping the industry. Leading telecom brands and experts are mobilized to further develop this network architecture; however, different points of view exist regarding some of its controversial aspects.

Leer más…Open RAN: Controversy and Expectations

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