Jue, Sep
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DZS has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Optician, an optical networking solution provider based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and its portfolio of optical transport solutions. The Optician solutions have completed the Telcordia OSMINE certification process required for deployment by Tier 1 service providers in North America and will form a new DZS “O-series” product line that will enhance the DZS Mobile Transport portfolio with environmentally hardened optical transport products optimized for mobile backhaul. Optician’s optical transport solutions will complement DZS’s market-leading 4G / 5G xHaul Mobile Transport portfolio that are currently deployed in five Tier 1 mobile networks. The new line-up of optical transport products will also add metro and regional aggregation and transport options for Broadband Access solutions. In addition to intellectual property and products, the transaction will bolster DZS R&D, operations, sales and corporate functions.
Leer más…DZS Grows Fiber and Mobile Transport Portfolio

Once again PTC was a success for the industry. In this year of COVID, PTC aimed to create an exceptional online conference platform experience, ensuring that the Annual Conference continued to provide quality content, the exhibit hall also known as the PTC HUB, and networking lounges for participants and attendees to learn from and connect with each other.

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