Jue, Sep
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Verizon has recently completed lab trials with Corning and begun lab trials with Samsung on new 5G mmWave in-building solutions which, when commercially launched, will provide 5G mmWave coverage inside facilities such as hospitals, manufacturing facilities, warehouses, schools, ports, retail stores and more. The launch of these indoor cell sites will not only extend the footprint of Verizon’s 5G Ultra Wideband network, but will also bring the promise of private networks with Mobile Edge Compute (MEC) capabilities one step closer.

Leer más…Indoor Cell Sites are Critical for Private 5G Networks

Businesses and developers can now build and deploy applications using Verizon 5G Edge with AWS Wavelength in eight locations across the US. Verizon and AWS have launched mobile edge computing (MEC) capabilities in Atlanta, the San Francisco Bay Area, Boston, Dallas, Las Vegas, Miami, New York and Washington, DC, with plans to add two additional cities by year end.

Leer más…5G Comes to the EDGE

The Telecom Review Leaders’ Summit is among the largest C-level industry gatherings, bringing together the leaders of the ICT industry and governments from around the world. Every year Telecom Review recognizes leaders in our industry for their excellence. The 2020 award nomination period is now open. The award winners will be announced at a special award ceremony on November 18.

Leer más…Nominate Your Brand, Celebrate Your Success

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