Vie, Sep
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China Mobile International Limited (CMI) announced that construction of the China Mobile Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Hong Kong Fo Tan Data Center (Fo Tan Data Center) is now underway. Being built by CMI in Fo Tan, Hong Kong, with the Mainland as the hinterland, the new facility is expected to be operational in 2025. It will be an important part of a core data center cluster for the GBA, serving as an international communications hub to facilitate global connectivity.

Leer más…China Mobile International Commences Construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay...

Infinera and Telia Carrier announced the selection of Infinera’s ICE6 800G solution for Telia Carrier’s global network after completing a successful trial of the technology on Telia Carrier’s live number-one-ranked global network, AS1299. The decision to deploy Infinera’s ICE6 comes after a field validation trial on the 2,396-km link in the U.S. between Denver and Chicago. The trial was performed using Infinera’s innovative ICE6 technology over an existing third-party line system and demonstrated superior performance and improved network capacity.

Leer más…Telia Carrier Selects Infinera’s 800G Coherent Technology

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