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Flexential completed the largest single asset-backed securities (ABS) issuance to date in the data center industry, including the largest-ever green data center ABS financing, to support rapid growth and development. The company issued the green notes under its new Green Finance Framework, which sets a new standard for green eligibility in the data center industry.

Leer más…Flexential Completes $2.1 Billion Green Bond ABS Issuance

With its cool climate, geographical location, and abundant, affordable sources of energy, Québec is an ideal location for data centers. Greater Montréal, in particular, has quickly become a key hub for data centers and cloud services in North America, with the demand for cloud services causing the number of data centers in the province to rise from 50 to 39.

Leer más…Québec Attracts More Data Centers with Renewable Energy

Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier, the international wholesale division of Deutsche Telekom, and China Mobile International Limited (CMI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Mobile, have signed a preferred partner agreement to deliver enhanced access and transport services for their global customers with connectivity needs across both Europe and Asia. The partnership entails the launch of an additional POP (Point of Presence) at CMI’s data center in Moerfelden, near Frankfurt in Germany, on November 1, 2021.

Leer más…Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier and China Mobile International Partner to Deliver Enhanced Access...

Infinera and Telstra are deploying Infinera’s coherent 800G solution across Telstra’s international network. The deployment follows a significant industry milestone that Telstra achieved with Infinera, leveraging Infinera’s ICE6 800G coherent technology on its GX Series Compact Modular Platform over a dispersion-managed subsea cable between Hong Kong and Singapore, a segment that spans 2,940 kilometers. With Infinera’s ICE6 solution, Telstra can realize a 45% increase in capacity over previous-generation technology and 20 times the original design capacity of the cable, underscoring the value of Infinera’s innovative solutions.

Leer más…Telstra Deploys 800G Solution Across Dispersion-managed Subsea Cable

Corning Incorporated is expanding its longtime collaboration with AT&T. The two companies will work together to extend investments in fiber infrastructure, expand U.S. broadband networks, and accelerate 5G deployment. Based on AT&T’s long-term commitment to its network buildout, Corning is investing $150 million in optical cable manufacturing in North Carolina, initially adding 200 jobs.

Leer más…Corning and AT&T Expand Collaboration as Corning Works to Meet Record Broadband Demand

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