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The trans-Atlantic EllaLink cable system linking Europe and Latin America has entered commercial operation. The 6,200km cable has landing stations at Sines in Portugal and Praia Grande near Sao Paolo (Brazil), with branches to Kourou (French Guiana), the Portuguese archipelago of Madeira and Praia on the African island nation of Cape Verde. Infinera’s ICE6 800G coherent technology meanwhile enables EllaLink to offer advanced customer products and services, supporting over 100Tbps between Portugal and Brazil.

Leer más…Europe to Latin America Fiber Connectivity

PEACE Cable International Network Co., Limited, an international submarine cable system company and PCCW will deploy the Infinera ICE 6 optical engine solution on the Mediterranean Segment of the Pakistan & East Africa Connecting Europe (PEACE) submarine cable system. The Infinera optical engine solution will provide the PEACE submarine cable system with the ability to transmit record-breaking capacity of nearly 25 terabits per fiber pair, while laying the foundation for enhanced service scalability, flexibility and future differentiation.

Leer más…PEACE Cable and PCCW Global Look to 25 Terabits Per Fiber Pair

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