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Telecom Review recently visited with Dawane Young, Executive Director and Head of Marketing for Verizon Partner Solutions, to get a feel for some of their dynamic network growth opportunities for 2023. Dawane is a member of the Verizon Partner Solutions (VPS) leadership team. He leads the product management organization supporting the full portfolio of products and solutions for VPS covering products such as Network Connectivity, Voice, Wireless Infrastructure and Connectivity, and Applications. Dawane’s team is responsible for identifying key market opportunities, defining commercial models and customer requirements, and driving the development and launch of innovative solutions in the wholesale space. Dawane’s team also helps to identify emerging markets.

Leer más…Verizon: Bringing Fixed Wireless Access to the Customer

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, secure and flexible solutions are of paramount importance. MEF Chief Operating Officer (COO) Kevin Vachon exclusively talked to Telecom Review on how the upcoming Global Network-as-a-Service Event (GNE) serves as a pivotal platform to gather the industry together to share insights, and exchange knowledge on these important topics.

Leer más…MEF’s GNE: Where the Future of NaaS Is Being Shaped

2023 is set to be an exciting year for Gulf Bridge International (GBI) as they look to enrich offerings to customers. In an exclusive interview with Telecom Review North America, GBI CCO Brendan Press shared about the company’s footprint, digital transformation efforts as well as the upcoming projects in 2023.

Leer más…Extending Outside the Gulf Region: GBI Upgrades and Diversifies Fiber Network to Global Customers

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