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That is a bold statement but it truly defines what is happening in our industry. Telecom Review is very active in our industry and meets new and innovative companies and their leaders at industry forums around the world to get their input on what is new, exciting and changing in the technology fields. We do this so that we may bring a different perspective for our readers so that they may keep their pulse on what is new and exciting in the telecom industry.

Leer más…Connecting to the Network and Pushing the Boundaries

The Telecom Review staff has now returned from the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona Spain and I must say that it was very impressive! There were in excess of 60,000 attendees and many new product announcements were made that we will be highlighting for our readers. Telecom Review was a media sponsor for the event so we were especially busy meeting new business contacts and saying hello to existing business contacts.

Leer más…Mobile Redefined!

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