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March 11th of 2022 proved to be a monumental day for telecommunications and entertainment conglomerate AT&T. Management announced not only their own expectations for the company's 2022 fiscal year, but also their thoughts on what the 2023 fiscal year should bring. Although the cash flow picture of the enterprise will be weaker in 2022 than what might have been anticipated, the overall condition of the company is encouraging. What's more, revenue growth, combined with cost-cutting initiatives, will help to increase cash flow over the next two years. Add onto this the fact that leverage for the enterprise is coming under control and that shares are trading at a level that look incredibly appealing, and it is a difficult prospect, truly, to pass up. In fact, I would make the case that shares today are some of the most attractive of any company on the market presently.

Leer más…AT&T Plans for the Future

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