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To help narrow the digital divide, and with support from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Verizon Public Sector announced a new program to provide access to wireless broadband data and voice services to underserved communities in Massachusetts and eight neighboring states plus the District of Columbia. Verizon will provide turnkey connectivity, devices and other solutions available to eligible families who lack access to the internet.

Leer más…Massachusetts and Verizon Enable New Digital Inclusion Program

The communications industry is undergoing a multi-year transformation to dynamic, secure, and certified services across a global federation of automated networks, as envisioned in the MEF 3.0 Framework. Service providers worldwide are not only becoming more automated internally to deliver solutions with user- and application-directed control over service capabilities. Many also are collaborating to build an emerging business ecosystem of automated networks that will support rapid delivery “Standardized APIs for interoperability of business applications will vastly improve the customer experience through faster cycle times and resolving service delivery issues earlier, offering automated near real-time availability and pricing information.

Leer más…AT&T, Verizon, and Other Top Service Providers Adopting MEF LSO APIs

Cincinnati Bell Inc.  announced the completion of its acquisition by Macquarie Infrastructure Partners V (“MIP”), an Americas-focused unlisted infrastructure fund managed by Macquarie Asset Management (“MAM”). The $2.9 billion transaction will accelerate Cincinnati Bell’s fiber build across its operating footprint, and support strategic investments in the company’s IT Services businesses throughout North America.

Leer más…Cincinnati Bell Acquired by Macquarie for $2.9 Billion

Verizon began the availability of an on-premises, private edge compute solution that builds upon the collaboration formed last year. Verizon 5G Edge with Microsoft Azure Stack Edge is a cloud computing platform that brings compute and storage services to the edge of the network at the customer premises providing enterprises with increased efficiencies, higher levels of security, and the low lag and high bandwidth needed for applications involving computer vision, augmented and virtual reality, and machine learning.

Leer más…Verizon Debuts Private Mobile Cloud for Enterprises with Microsoft Azure

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